Brand Awareess
Thomas Meihofer Jewellery Design



As one of Perth’s premier jewellery designers, Thomas Meihofer Jewellery Design required increased brand awareness and strategic positioning to ensure that the unique product offering was being communicated, and remaining top of mind with the target audience. Their distinct, hand-crafted jewellery is truly something special however the existing branding was not reflective of this.


Thomas Meihofer Jewellery Design needed a brand proposition, a digital presence, and a carefully targeted campaign to reach their audience and increase traffic to the Subiaco store. Breadbox Marketing worked on a brand strategy and marketing campaign to achieve this, and suggested the tagline ‘Be Unique’ to complement the Meihofer’s sleek, European inspired artwork, design and photography. Each piece of artwork and design employed throughout the campaign showcased a unique piece of jewellery and flawlessly communicated the fashion forward, aspirational elements of the brand to target audience.


The branding campaign was rolled out over billboards, press, and online digital advertising, and the campaign was strengthened with SEO copywriting and marketing, as well as a strong social media marketing strategy.


The refreshed landing page is now live! See it for yourself at: www.thomasmeihoferjewellery.com.au

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